Peer Review Policies
All papers submitted to GlobalSkope journals are peer reviewed before being accepted for publication. GlobalSkope is committed to providing its authors a rapid editorial process with "submission to first decision" time being less than two weeks and "submission to publication" time being less than two months.
After a manuscript is submitted, it is reviewed by a member of the Editorial Board. If the manuscript passes the Editorial review, it is sent to external reviewers for double-blind peer review. In the double-blind peer review process neither the reviewers nor the authors know the identity of each other. This enables an unbiased and accurate review of the manuscript.
The reviewers are selected on the basis of their area of expertise and interests, their reputation and our past experience with the reviewers. The reviewers will be sent invitation to review the manuscript. If the reviewer accepts the offer to review the manuscript, they will be sent the complete manuscript and a Manuscript Review Form.
In all cases, reviewers will be asked to declare any conflict of interest based on the contents of the manuscript. If a conflict of interest exists, the reviewers are requested to decline to review the manuscript. We strive to provide authors with a fast editorial process with "submission to first decision" time being less than two weeks. We request you to help us in reducing the decision time as much as possible by providing your valuable reviews on time. The review process must be completed in seven days. We request the reviewers to respond promptly to messages from Editorial Office and inform us if they are unavailable for any length of time.
When a manuscript is sent to you for evaluation it will be accompanied by a Manuscript Review Form. You are requested to use the form for reviewing the manuscript. The form is divided into sections with space for your responses. You can type/print your responses in the space provided. Using a form will ensure more structured and accurate review of the manuscript and will also save your time in reviewing the manuscript.
The Manuscript Review Form has two sections - 'Comments transmitted to authors' and 'Confidential comments for Editors'. Anything written in the "Comments transmitted to authors" is sent to the authors along with the Editorial comments. You can use the section "Confidential comments for Editors" to send any confidential comments to the Editors, which will not be transmitted to the authors.
You can submit the completed Manuscript Review Form using 'Submit Review' page. You can also send the completed Manuscript Review Form as email attachments to the email address
Please provide an objective critical assessment of the manuscript about the concept of the study, relevance in relation to current scientific knowledge, scientific content, language and grammar. You will be asked to make a recommendation for publishing the manuscript. Please provide reasons for your recommendations.
If you believe that the manuscript need changes for improvement before it is accepted for publication, please make the suggestions on how to improve it. It will help the authors immensely if the reviews are impartial but critical. If the comments are negative please help the authors in improving their manuscript by explaining weaknesses in scientific content or language, so that they can appreciate the reviewers and Editors decision. We do not tolerate any offensive language in the comments. We may edit the reviewer's comments for any errors in facts or language or to remove confidential information.
The review process is a confidential communication between the Reviewers, Editors, Editorial Staff and the Corresponding author. Please do not discuss any manuscript received for review from GlobalSkope with anyone not directly involved in the review process. Based on the reviewer's comments the assigned Editor will take the final decision about the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. The Editor may decide to:
1) accept the manuscript with major or minor revisions,
2) invite authors to resubmit the manuscript after revisions while the final decision is kept pending, or 3) reject the manuscript.
Editorial decision in all cases will be based on the arguments of the reviewers and authors.
When the manuscript review process is complete, reviewer's and Editors comments are sent back to the author with the Editorial decision. If the authors are asked to resubmit the manuscript with changes and response to comments, we may send the revised manuscript and author's responses to the reviewers for further review.
We realize that reviewing the manuscripts poses an extra burden on the reviewer's precious time. As an appreciation of their valuable services and taking out time to review the manuscripts, we will be offering them 20% discount on the membership charges, if they submit their manuscripts to GlobalSkope. As a further token of encouragements to the reviewers, we will acknowledge the reviewers in globalskope.com. The reviewers will also receive the table of contents for every volume of GlobalSkope journals in their email before the articles are published online.