Open Access

Open Access policy is one of the notable developments in academic information dissemination. This policy recommends a unique trade replica for academic publishers that enable instant, universal, barrier-free, open access to the full text of research articles for the best interests of the scientific and engineering community.  All interested readers can read, download, and/or print any Open Access articles without requiring a subscription to the journal in which these articles are published.   
In this Open Access model, the publication costs are usually covered by the author's institution or research funds. These Open Access charges replace subscription charges and allow the publishers to give the published material away for free to all interested online visitors. In addition, authors who publish in our Open Access journals retain the copyright of their article.  Other than their cost-recovery model, Open Access journals are no different from traditional subscription-based journals; they undergo the same peer-review and quality control as any other scholarly journal.

GlobalSkope Publishing Society as a Open Access Publication meets the following two conditions:

1. The author(s) and copyright holder(s) grant(s) to all users a free, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual right of access to, and a license to copy, use, distribute, transmit and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship, as well as the right to make small numbers of printed copies for their personal use.

2. A complete version of the work and all supplemental materials, including a copy of the permission as stated above, in a suitable standard electronic format is deposited immediately upon initial publication in at least one online repository that is supported by an academic institution, scholarly society, government agency, or other well-established organization that seeks to enable open access, unrestricted distribution, interoperability, and long-term archiving.